Monday, 13 October 2014

Crisis Point IV Andreivia 2015 - Part One

Hi All,

As well as the 6mm game in 2015 I am involved in the annual Crisis Point game held in the wonderful village of Dungworth near Sheffield hosted by Richard Crawley who started the event in 2012.  This year we are revisiting the fictional Black Sea country of Andreivia. The 2014 event saw heavy fighting in the capital Tcherbevan, the 2015 event will see not only fighting on the streets of the capital but also in the surrounding areas. Last year I played an Andreivian Government force, this year (thanks to Richards C's kind donation of a Ariete tank) I am playing an Italian force part of NATO's intervention force. At the recent Derby World Champs at Castle Donnington I picked up another two more so now have a platoon of tanks. Matt at Elhiem very kindly let me mix and match from his Modern Italian range so I have 3 squads plus command and support. I also have a LVTP-7 and have finally tracked down a couple of the B1-Centauro AFV's to add to the force. Just need some softskins and I am pretty much sorted.

Also picked up some more Type 61's (Japanese MBT's) as used by the Andreivian Government forces. I can now field a company sized unit, with three platoons of two tanks plus an HQ tank. More on these in a later post.

More to come in Part Two

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